The purpose of this vignette is to demonstrate how to utilize the suite of R packages developed by Certara, RsNLME, for a robust and reproducible pharmacometric workflow using R. In the following examples, we will demonstrate how to:

  • Load the input dataset and visualize the data using ggplot2
  • Define the base model using Certara.RsNLME as well as mapping model variables to their corresponding input data columns
  • Fit the base model
  • Import estimation results into R and create commonly used diagnostic plots using xpose and Certara.Xpose.NLME
  • Accept parameter estimates from our base model execution, and create a new covariate model
  • Fit the covariate model and create covariate model diagnostic plots
  • Accept parameter estimates from the covariate model execution, and create a new VPC model
  • Fit the VPC model and create a binless and binned VPC using tidyvpc
  • Demonstrate functionality inside Certara.ModelResults and Certara.VPCResults to facilitate code generation and reporting of model diagnostic plots, tables, and VPC.

Before we begin, a quick note about the differences between S3 and S4 objects in R. Most objects in R utilize the S3 class representation, and elements inside the S3 class object can be accessed in R using the $ operator. However, model objects in RsNLME utilize the S4 class system. For S4 objects, we access elements inside the class using the @ operator (e.g., print(model@modelInfo@workingDir) to print the directory of model output files).

For more details, see S4 versus S3.

Note: The following vignette was created with RsNLME v1.1.0. The corresponding R script used in this example can be found in RsNLME_Examples/TwoCptIVBolus_FitBaseModel_CovariateSearch_VPC_BootStrapping.R. See RsNLME Example Scripts.


We will be using the built-in pkData from the Certara.RsNLME package for the following examples. pkData is a pharmacokinetic dataset containing 16 subjects with single bolus dose.

pkData <- Certara.RsNLME::pkData

#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   Subject Nom_Time Act_Time Amount  Conc   Age BodyWeight Gender
#>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <chr> 
#> 1       1        0     0     25000  2010    22         73 male  
#> 2       1        1     0.26     NA  1330    22         73 male  
#> 3       1        1     1.1      NA   565    22         73 male  
#> 4       1        2     2.1      NA   216    22         73 male  
#> 5       1        4     4.13     NA   180    22         73 male  
#> 6       1        8     8.17     NA   120    22         73 male

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Next, let’s perform some Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on our input dataset by plotting drug concentration vs. time. Before calling our ggplot2 code, we’ll convert the Subject column to factor using mutate() from the dplyr package, which will ensure the colors of the Subject lines in our plot correctly display.


pkData %>%
  mutate(Subject = as.factor(Subject)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Act_Time, y = Conc, group = Subject, color = Subject)) +
   scale_y_log10() +
   geom_line() +
   geom_point() +
   ylab("Drug Concentration \n at the central compartment")

This plot suggests that a two-compartment model with IV bolus is a good starting point.

Build base model

We will use the pkmodel() function from the Certara.RsNLME package to build our base two-compartment model. Note that the modelName argument is used to create the run folder for the associated output files from model execution.


baseModel <- pkmodel(numCompartments = 2, data = pkData,
                    ID = "Subject", Time = "Act_Time", A1 = "Amount", CObs = "Conc", 
                    modelName = "TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS")

As demonstrated above, when we supply the data argument to the pkmodel() function, we can directly map required model variables to columns in the input data, supplying the associated model variable names as additional arguments (e.g., ID, Time, A1, CObs).

However, in some cases, we may not know what model variables require column mappings given the different parameters specified in our model. We can create our model without supplying column mappings inside the pkmodel() function by adding the argument columnMap = FALSE.

baseModel <- pkmodel(numCompartments = 2, columnMap = FALSE, modelName = "TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS")

Next, we’ll specify the input dataset using the dataMapping() function.

baseModel <- baseModel %>%

We can use the print() generic to view our model information and required column mappings in the Column Mappings section.

#>  Model Overview 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Name        :  TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS
#> Working Directory :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes/TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS
#> Is population     :  TRUE
#> Model Type        :  PK
#>  PK 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Parameterization  :  Clearance
#> Absorption        :  Intravenous
#> Num Compartments  :  2
#> Dose Tlag?        :  FALSE
#> Elimination Comp ?:  FALSE
#> Infusion Allowed ?:  FALSE
#> Sequential        :  FALSE
#> Freeze PK         :  FALSE
#>  PML 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> test(){
#>     cfMicro(A1,Cl/V, Cl2/V, Cl2/V2)
#>     dosepoint(A1)
#>     C = A1 / V
#>     error(CEps=0.1)
#>     observe(CObs=C * ( 1 + CEps))
#>     stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
#>     stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
#>     stparm(V2 = tvV2 * exp(nV2))
#>     stparm(Cl2 = tvCl2 * exp(nCl2))
#>     fixef( tvV = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvCl = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvV2 = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvCl2 = c(,1,))
#>     ranef(diag(nV,nCl,nV2,nCl2) =  c(1,1,1,1))
#> }
#>  Structural Parameters 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  V Cl V2 Cl2
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observations:
#> Observation Name :  CObs
#> Effect Name      :  C
#> Epsilon Name     :  CEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Multiplicative
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  Column Mappings 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Variable Name : Data Column name
#> id                  : ?
#> time                : ?
#> A1                  : ?
#> CObs                : ?

We can see that our baseModel object requires the following model variables to be mapped to columns in our input dataset: id, time, A1, CObs. We can use the colMapping() function to map these columns.

The mappings argument in the colMapping() function requires a named character vector, with the names supplied as the model variable names, and values supplied as the column names in the input dataset.

Note: Model variable names may also be extracted as a list using the function modelVariableNames() (e.g., modelVariableNames(baseModel)).

baseModel <- baseModel %>%
  colMapping(c(id = "Subject",
               time = "Act_Time",
               A1 = "Amount", 
               CObs = "Conc"))

Next, we’ll update parameters in our baseModel:

  • Disable the corresponding random effects for structural parameter V2
  • Change initial values for fixed effects, tvV, tvCl, tvV2, and tvCl2, to be 15, 5, 40, and 15, respectively
  • Change the covariance matrix of random effects, nV, nCl, and nCl2, to be a diagonal matrix with all its diagonal elements being 0.1
  • Change the standard deviation of residual error to be 0.2
baseModel <- baseModel %>%
  structuralParameter(paramName = "V2", hasRandomEffect = FALSE) %>%
  fixedEffect(effect = c("tvV", "tvCl", "tvV2", "tvCl2"), value = c(15, 5, 40, 15)) %>%
  randomEffect(effect = c("nV", "nCl", "nCl2"), value = rep(0.1, 3)) %>%
  residualError(predName = "C", SD = 0.2)

View model with updated parameters.

#>  Model Overview 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Name        :  TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS
#> Working Directory :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes/TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS
#> Is population     :  TRUE
#> Model Type        :  PK
#>  PK 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Parameterization  :  Clearance
#> Absorption        :  Intravenous
#> Num Compartments  :  2
#> Dose Tlag?        :  FALSE
#> Elimination Comp ?:  FALSE
#> Infusion Allowed ?:  FALSE
#> Sequential        :  FALSE
#> Freeze PK         :  FALSE
#>  PML 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> test(){
#>     cfMicro(A1,Cl/V, Cl2/V, Cl2/V2)
#>     dosepoint(A1)
#>     C = A1 / V
#>     error(CEps=0.2)
#>     observe(CObs=C * ( 1 + CEps))
#>     stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
#>     stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
#>     stparm(V2 = tvV2)
#>     stparm(Cl2 = tvCl2 * exp(nCl2))
#>     fixef( tvV = c(,15,))
#>     fixef( tvCl = c(,5,))
#>     fixef( tvV2 = c(,40,))
#>     fixef( tvCl2 = c(,15,))
#>     ranef(diag(nV,nCl,nCl2) = c(0.1,0.1,0.1))
#> }
#>  Structural Parameters 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  V Cl V2 Cl2
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observations:
#> Observation Name :  CObs
#> Effect Name      :  C
#> Epsilon Name     :  CEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Multiplicative
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  Column Mappings 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Variable Name : Data Column name
#> id                  : Subject
#> time                : Act_Time
#> A1                  : Amount
#> CObs                : Conc

Fit base model

Fit the model using the default host and default values for the relevant NLME engine arguments. For this example model, FOCE-ELS is the default method for estimation, and Sandwich is the default method for standard error calculations. If ‘hostPlatform’ argument is not specified, default host will be used for fitting. If MPI service is installed on the system (MSMPI on Windows and OpenMPI on Linux), fitting will be parallelized along 4 cores, otherwise no parallelization is used.

The user could specify the host directly:

# no MPI
NoMPIHost <- hostParams(
  installationDirectory = Sys.getenv("INSTALLDIR"),
  parallelMethod = "None",
  hostName = "No MPI",
  numCores = 1

# MPI with 8 cores
MPILocalHost <- hostParams(
  installationDirectory = Sys.getenv("INSTALLDIR"),
  parallelMethod = "local_mpi",
  hostName = "MPILocal8",
  numCores = 8

Note: The default values for the relevant NLME engine arguments are chosen based on the model. Type ?Certara.RsNLME::engineParams for details.

baseFitJob <- fitmodel(baseModel, 
                       hostPlatform = NoMPIHost)
#> TDL5 version:
#> Servername: no-net
#> Sentinel License file: C:\PROGRA~1\Certara\NLME_E~1\lservrc
#> License Name: NU_Academic_ALL_N
#> License Type: Academic
#> Expiration Date: 31 Jan 2025
#> Current Date: 20 May 2024
#> Days until program expires: 256
#> The model compiled
#> Trying to generate job results...
#> Done generating job results.

# alternative way to run with MPI parallelization:
# baseFitJob <- fitmodel(baseModel, 
#                        hostPlatform = MPILocalHost)

Now, we’ll print the returned value baseFitJob that we assigned to fitmodel() and view our model estimation results.

#>    Scenario RetCode    LogLik     -2LL      AIC      BIC nParm nObs nSub
#> 1: WorkFlow       1 -632.7954 1265.591 1281.591 1303.339     8  112   16
#>    EpsShrinkage Condition
#> 1:      0.17379   4.83716

Generate base model diagnostics

First, we’ll use the Certara.Xpose.NLME package to import results of fitmodel() into an xpose_data object from the xpose package. This will allow us to execute functions from the xpose package to generate model diagnostics plots and tables.

Note: The Certara.Xpose.NLME package includes additional covariate model and table output functions.

#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#>   method from   
#>   ggplot2
#> Attaching package: 'xpose'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter

baseModel_xpdb <- xposeNlmeModel(baseModel, baseFitJob)

Create model diagnostic plots for our baseModel.


baseModel_xpdb %>%
 dv_vs_pred(type = "ps", caption = "/TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'


baseModel_xpdb %>%
  dv_vs_ipred(type = "ps", caption = "/TwCpt_IVBolus_FOCE_ELS")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Launch resultsUI() with base model

Additionally, we can supply our baseModel to the resultsUI() function from the Certara.ModelResults package to easily preview and style our model diagnostic plots and tables from the Shiny GUI.

Users are not limited by the GUI however, Certara.ModelResults will generate the underlying flextable and xpose/ggplot2 code (.R and/or .Rmd) for you inside the Shiny application, which you can then use to recreate your plot and table objects in R, ensuring reproducibility and traceability of model diagnostics for reporting output.

See Certara.ModelResults website for additional details.


resultsUI(model = baseModel)

The series of screenshots below demonstrate how users can preview model diagnostic plots and tables using the tree selection in the Shiny GUI.

Build covariate model

After fitting our baseModel and generating various model diagnostic plots, let’s begin to introduce covariates.

We will first copy our baseModel using the copyModel() function, making sure to use the acceptAllEffects = TRUE argument to accept parameter estimates from our baseFitJob model execution.

Copying the model not only allows us to accept parameter estimates across different model runs, but also ensures model output files will be in separate directories using the modelName argument.

covariateModel <- copyModel(baseModel, acceptAllEffects = TRUE, 
                            modelName = "TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel_FOCE_ELS")

Next, we’ll add the continuous covariate BodyWeight to our model and set the covariate effect on structural parameters V and Cl.

covariateModel <- covariateModel %>%
  addCovariate(covariate = "BodyWeight", effect = c("V", "Cl"), center = "Median")

#>  Model Overview 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Name        :  TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel_FOCE_ELS
#> Working Directory :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes/TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel_FOCE_ELS
#> Is population     :  TRUE
#> Model Type        :  PK
#>  PK 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Parameterization  :  Clearance
#> Absorption        :  Intravenous
#> Num Compartments  :  2
#> Dose Tlag?        :  FALSE
#> Elimination Comp ?:  FALSE
#> Infusion Allowed ?:  FALSE
#> Sequential        :  FALSE
#> Freeze PK         :  FALSE
#>  PML 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> test(){
#>     cfMicro(A1,Cl/V, Cl2/V, Cl2/V2)
#>     dosepoint(A1)
#>     C = A1 / V
#>     error(CEps=0.161251376509829)
#>     observe(CObs=C * ( 1 + CEps))
#>     stparm(V = tvV * ((BodyWeight/median(BodyWeight))^dVdBodyWeight)   * exp(nV))
#>     stparm(Cl = tvCl * ((BodyWeight/median(BodyWeight))^dCldBodyWeight)   * exp(nCl))
#>     stparm(V2 = tvV2)
#>     stparm(Cl2 = tvCl2 * exp(nCl2))
#>     fcovariate(BodyWeight)
#>     fixef( tvV = c(,15.3977961716836,))
#>     fixef( tvCl = c(,6.61266919198735,))
#>     fixef( tvV2 = c(,41.2018786759217,))
#>     fixef( tvCl2 = c(,14.0301337530406,))
#>     fixef( dVdBodyWeight(enable=c(0)) = c(,0,))
#>     fixef( dCldBodyWeight(enable=c(1)) = c(,0,))
#>     ranef(diag(nV,nCl,nCl2) = c(0.069404827604399,0.182196897237991,0.0427782148473702))
#> }
#>  Structural Parameters 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  V Cl V2 Cl2
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observations:
#> Observation Name :  CObs
#> Effect Name      :  C
#> Epsilon Name     :  CEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Multiplicative
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  Column Mappings 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Variable Name : Data Column name
#> id                  : Subject
#> time                : Act_Time
#> A1                  : Amount
#> BodyWeight          : BodyWeight
#> CObs                : Conc

Note: For continuous covariates, you can center the covariate value using the center argument in the addCovariate() function. Options are “Mean”, “Median”, “Value” or “None”. By default, center = "None". Depending on the style argument supplied to the structuralParameter(), the covariate effect will take a different functional form. Type ?Certara.RsNLME::structuralParameter and ?Certara.RsNLME::addCovariate for more details.

Investigate covariates inflation

We can investigate the inflation of covariates on different structural parameters using ‘shotgunSearch’ function. It will fit all possible covariates combinations available for the current model. There are 4 scenarios overall (4 combinations of Covariate - Structural parameter relations).

shotgunResults <- shotgunSearch(covariateModel)
#> covariateModel argument is not given. Processing model object to make it.
#> Shotgun Job
#> NLME Job
#> sharedDirectory is not given in the host class instance.
#> Valid NLME_ROOT_DIRECTORY is not given, using current working directory:
#> C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes
#> Compiling 1 of 1 NLME models
#> TDL5 version:
#> Servername: no-net
#> Sentinel License file: C:\PROGRA~1\Certara\NLME_E~1\lservrc
#> License Name: NU_Academic_ALL_N
#> License Type: Academic
#> Expiration Date: 31 Jan 2025
#> Current Date: 20 May 2024
#> Days until program expires: 256
#> The model compiled
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/0/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/2/0
#> Num Jobs/Completed/Failed:4/4/0
#> Trying to generate job results...
#> Summarizing shotgun covariate search results for 4 scenarios
#> Generating Overall.csv
#> Finished summarizing results. Transferring data and loading the results...
#> Done generating job results.

#>                              Scenario RetCode    LogLik     -2LL      AIC
#> 1                            cshot000       1 -632.7954 1265.591 1281.591
#> 2               cshot001 V-BodyWeight       1 -624.4957 1248.991 1266.991
#> 3              cshot002 Cl-BodyWeight       1 -617.2704 1234.541 1252.541
#> 4 cshot003 V-BodyWeight Cl-BodyWeight       1 -608.6464 1217.293 1237.293
#>        BIC nParm nObs nSub EpsShrinkage Condition
#> 1 1303.339     8  112   16      0.17365   4.84292
#> 2 1291.458     9  112   16      0.14411   9.62860
#> 3 1277.007     9  112   16      0.16187   8.17619
#> 4 1264.478    10  112   16      0.13193  19.88073

The minimal -2LL value observed for combination with both relationships (V-BodyWeight and Cl-BodyWeight) included. Note that for ‘shotgunSearch()’, as well as for other job-parallelized functions like ‘bootstrap()’, ‘stepwiseSearch()’, ‘sortfit()’ the default host (hostPlatform argument) is multicore with 4 cores:

MulticoreLocalHost <- hostParams(
  installationDirectory = Sys.getenv("INSTALLDIR"),
  parallelMethod = "multicore",
  hostName = "multicore4",
  numCores = 4

#>  NLME Parallel Host 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Shared Directory            :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes
#> NLME Executables Directory  :  C:/Program Files/Certara/NLME_Engine
#> licenseFile slot is empty. It is assumed that other licensing approach is used as License server, PhoenixLicenseFile environment variable, location in NLME Executables or in Phoenix installation directory.
#> NLME license file location  :  
#> Name of the host            :  multicore4
#> Address of the host         :
#> Host System                 :  Windows
#> Number of cores             :  4
#> Is host local               :  TRUE
#> R Location                  :  
#> Remote script path          :  
#> Parallel method             :  multicore
#>  NLME User Authentication 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Username            :  
#> Private key file    :  
#> Password            :  
#>  -------------------------------------------

That approach (by job parallelization) is effective way to speed up the computation of these runs. Multiple jobs are started at once. In doing so, the user delegates to the system a job distribution process across all available cores, just providing the number of jobs/processes not to be exceeded with current run (numCores argument). It is not recommended to specify the number in ‘numCores’ exceeding the number of cores of CPU(s) available.

Fit covariate model

covariateFitJob <- fitmodel(covariateModel)
#> MPI not found on the system.
#> Using localhost without parallelization.
#> sharedDirectory is not given in the host class instance.
#> Valid NLME_ROOT_DIRECTORY is not given, using current working directory:
#> C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes
#> TDL5 version:
#> Servername: no-net
#> Sentinel License file: C:\PROGRA~1\Certara\NLME_E~1\lservrc
#> License Name: NU_Academic_ALL_N
#> License Type: Academic
#> Expiration Date: 31 Jan 2025
#> Current Date: 20 May 2024
#> Days until program expires: 256
#> The model compiled
#> Trying to generate job results...
#> Done generating job results.
#>    Scenario RetCode    LogLik     -2LL      AIC      BIC nParm nObs nSub
#> 1: WorkFlow       1 -608.6464 1217.293 1237.293 1264.478    10  112   16
#>    EpsShrinkage Condition
#> 1:      0.13193  19.88073

Generate covariate model diagnostics

Just like we did for our baseModel, we’ll use the Certara.Xpose.NLME package to import results of fitmodel() into an xpose_data object and use functions from the Certara.Xpose.NLME package to generate our covariate model diagnostic plots.


covariateModel_xpdb <- xposeNlmeModel(covariateModel,covariateFitJob)

Create model diagnostic plots for our covariateModel.

CWRES vs BodyWeight

covariateModel_xpdb %>%
  res_vs_cov(type = "ps", res = "CWRES", covariate = "BodyWeight", 
             caption = "/TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel_FOCE_ELS")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Note: The above covariate plot is available in the Certara.Xpose.NLME package v1.1.0. If using v1.0.0, please type ?Certara.Xpose.NLME::nlme.var.vs.cov for CWRES vs covariate usage details.

ETA vs BodyWeight

covariateModel_xpdb %>%
  eta_vs_cov(type = "ps", covariate = "BodyWeight",
             caption = "/TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel_FOCE_ELS") 
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Launch resultsUI() with base and covariate models

Finally, we can pass a vector of our model objects to the model argument in resultsUI() and initiate the Shiny GUI with both of our models. This will allow us to easily compare the same model diagnostics plots and tables across models and generate R code for any model diagnostics we may want to reproduce at a later time.

For more details, see Certara.ModelResults website.


resultsUI(model = c(baseModel, covariateModel))

Perform VPC analysis for covariate model

After generating various model diagnostic plots and tables, we may want to generate a Visual Predictive Check (VPC) next.

Repeating what we did when we copied our covariateModel from our baseModel, we will use the copymodel() function to create a new model object with a new run directory, then execute our new model using the vpcmodel() function.

covariateModelVPC <- copyModel(covariateModel, acceptAllEffects = TRUE, modelName = "VPC_TwCpt_IVBolus_SelectedCovariateModel")

Execute vpcmodel() function.

covariateVPCJob <- vpcmodel(covariateModelVPC)
#> Using localhost without parallelization.
#> sharedDirectory is not given in the host class instance.
#> Valid NLME_ROOT_DIRECTORY is not given, using current working directory:
#> C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/vignettes
#> TDL5 version:
#> Servername: no-net
#> Sentinel License file: C:\PROGRA~1\Certara\NLME_E~1\lservrc
#> License Name: NU_Academic_ALL_N
#> License Type: Academic
#> Expiration Date: 31 Jan 2025
#> Current Date: 20 May 2024
#> Days until program expires: 256
#> The model compiled
#> Trying to generate job results...
#> Done generating job results.

Generate VPC diagnostics

To generate our VPC using the tidyvpc package, we can extract the oberved and simulated data from the return value of the vpcmodel() function. Additionally, the observed data file for continuous observed variables is saved as predcheck0.csv and the simulated data file as predout.csv in the model output directory (e.g., covariateModel@modelInfo@workingDir).

For more details on syntax, see tidyvpc website.

obs <- covariateVPCJob$predcheck0

sim <- covariateVPCJob$predout

Next, we’ll generate both a binned and binless VPC using the tidyvpc package.

For our binned VPC, we’ll specify the pam binning method with 8 bins.


binned_VPC <- observed(obs, x = IVAR, yobs = DV) %>%
  simulated(sim, ysim = DV) %>%
  binning(bin = "pam", nbins = 8) %>%


For our binless VPC, we’ll automatically optimize the lambda smoothing parameters (in the additive quantile regression based on AIC) by setting optimize = TRUE in the binless() function.

binless_VPC <- observed(obs, x = IVAR, yobs = DV) %>%
  simulated(sim, ysim = DV) %>%
  binless(optimize = TRUE) %>%


We can see that the results of the traditional binned VPC resemble the results of the binless VPC. For more details about the binless methodology, see A Regression Approach to Visual Predictive Checks for Population Pharmacometric Models.

Launch vpcResultsUI()

The Certara.VPCResults package provides a Shiny interface to parameterize Visual Predictive Checks (VPC) and generate corresponding tidyvpc and ggplot2 code to reproduce the VPC from R. Users can tag multiple VPC plots of interest in the Shiny session, and render plots into a report, or, generate the raw .R or .Rmd files to reproduce VPCs and ggplot2 output from R.


vpcResultsUI(obs, sim)