Use to create a PK/Indirect response model.

  isPopulation = TRUE,
  parameterization = "Clearance",
  absorption = "Intravenous",
  numCompartments = 1,
  isClosedForm = TRUE,
  isTlag = FALSE,
  hasEliminationComp = FALSE,
  isFractionExcreted = FALSE,
  isSaturating = FALSE,
  infusionAllowed = FALSE,
  isDuration = FALSE,
  isSequential = FALSE,
  isPkFrozen = FALSE,
  hasEffectsCompartment = FALSE,
  indirectType = "LimitedStimulation",
  isBuildup = TRUE,
  isExponent = FALSE,
  indirectFrozen = FALSE,
  data = NULL,
  columnMap = TRUE,
  modelName = "",
  workingDir = "",



Is this a population model TRUE or individual model FALSE?


Type of parameterization. Options are "Clearance", "Micro", "Macro", or "Macro1".


Type of absorption. Options are "Intravenous", "FirstOrder", "Gamma", "InverseGaussian", "Weibull" .


Value of either 1, 2, or 3.


Set to TRUE to convert model from a differential equation to close form.


Set to TRUE to add a lag time parameter to the model.


Set to TRUE to add an elimination compartment to the model.


Set to TRUE if elimination compartment (hasEliminationComp = TRUE) contains a fraction excreted parameter.


Set to TRUE to use Michaelis-Menten kinetics for elimination. Only applicable to models with paramteterization = "Clearance"


Set to TRUE if infusions allowed.


Set to TRUE if infusions use duration instead of rate (must also set infusionAllowed = TRUE).


Set to TRUE to freeze PK fixed effects and convert the corresponding random effects into covariates as well as remove the PK observed variable from the model.


Set to TRUE to freeze PK fixed effects and remove the corresponding random effects as well as the PK observed variable from the model.


Set to TRUE to include an effect compartment into the model.


Type of drug actions for the indirect response model. Options are "LimitedStimulation", "InfiniteStimulation", "LimitedInhibition", "InverseInhibition", "LinearStimulation", or "LogLinearStimulation".


Set to FALSE to have the drug actions affect the loss/degradation instead of the production.


Set to TRUE to add an exponent parameter to the drug action term.


Set to TRUE to freeze PD fixed effects and remove the corresponding random effects as well as the PD observed variable from the model.


Input dataset


If TRUE (default) column mapping arguments are required. Set to FALSE to manually map columns after defining model using colMapping.


Model name for subdirectory created for model output in current working directory.


Working directory to run the model. Current working directory will be used if workingDir not specified.


Arguments passed on to pkindirectmodel_MappingParameters


Column mapping argument for input dataset column(s) that identify individual data profiles. Only applicable to population models isPopulation = TRUE.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the relative time used in a study and only applicable to time-based models.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the amount of drug administered. Only applicable to the following types of models:

  • Models with absorption = "Intravenous" and parameterization set to either "Clearance","Micro", or "Macro"

  • Models with absorption set to either "Gamma", "InverseGaussian", or "Weibull"


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the amount of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "FirstOrder".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the amount of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "Intravenous" and parameterization = "Macro1".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the rate of drug administered. Only applicable to the following types of models:

  • Models with absorption = "Intravenous", infusionAllowed = TRUE and parameterization set to either "Clearance","Micro" or "Macro"

  • Models with absorption set to either "Gamma", "InverseGaussian", or "Weibull" and infusionAllowed = TRUE


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the duration of drug administered. Only applicable to the following types of models:

  • Models with absorption = "Intravenous", infusionAllowed = TRUE with isDuration = TRUE and parameterization set to either "Clearance","Micro" or "Macro"

  • Models with absorption set to either "Gamma", "InverseGaussian", or "Weibull" and infusionAllowed = TRUE with isDuration = TRUE


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the rate of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "FirstOrder", infusionAllowed = TRUE.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the duration of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "FirstOrder", infusionAllowed = TRUE, and isDuration = TRUE.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the rate of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "Intravenous", infusionAllowed = TRUE, and parameterization = "Macro1".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the duration of drug administered and only applicable to models with absorption = "Intravenous", infusionAllowed = TRUE, isDuration = TRUE, and parameterization = "Macro1".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the stripping dose and only applicable to models with parameterization = "Macro".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the observations of drug concentration in the central compartment and only applicable to models with parameterization being either set to either "Clearance" or "Micro".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the observations of drug concentration in the central compartment and only applicable to models with parameterization being either set to either "Macro" or "Macro1".


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the observed amount of drug in the elimination compartment. (hasEliminationComp = TRUE).


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the observed drug effect.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nV.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nV2.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nV3.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nCl.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nCl2.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nCl3.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nKa.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nA.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nAlpha.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nB.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nBeta.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nC.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nGamma.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nKe.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nK12.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nK21.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nK13.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nK31.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nTlag.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nKm.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nVmax.


If isSequential = TRUE and isFractionExcreted = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nFe.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nMeanDelayTime.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nShapeParam.


If isSequential = TRUE, mapped to the input dataset column that lists the values for random effect nShapeParamMinusOne.

Column mapping

Note that quoted and unquoted column names are supported. Please see colMapping.


model <- pkindirectmodel(
  parameterization = "Micro",
  data = pkpdData,
  ID = "ID",
  Time = "Time",
  A1 = "Dose",
  CObs = "CObs",
  EObs = "EObs"

# View PML Code
#>  Model Overview 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Name        :  Model_24_05_20_12_28
#> Working Directory :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/docs/reference/Model_24_05_20_12_28
#> Is population     :  TRUE
#> Model Type        :  PK_INDIRECT
#>  PK 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Parameterization  :  Micro
#> Absorption        :  Intravenous
#> Num Compartments  :  1
#> Dose Tlag?        :  FALSE
#> Elimination Comp ?:  FALSE
#> Infusion Allowed ?:  FALSE
#> Sequential        :  FALSE
#> Freeze PK         :  FALSE
#>  Indirect 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Indirect Type     :  LimitedStimulation
#> Effect Compartment:  FALSE
#> Buildup           :  TRUE
#> Exponent          :  FALSE
#> Indirect Frozen   :  FALSE
#>  PML 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> test(){
#>     cfMicro(A1, Ke)
#>     dosepoint(A1)
#>     C = A1 / V
#>     deriv(E = Kin * (1 + Emax * C / (C + EC50)) - Kout * E)
#>     sequence{ E= Kin / Kout}
#>     error(EEps=1)
#>     observe(EObs=E + EEps)
#>     error(CEps=0.1)
#>     observe(CObs=C * ( 1 + CEps))
#>     stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
#>     stparm(Ke = tvKe * exp(nKe))
#>     stparm(Kin = tvKin * exp(nKin))
#>     stparm(Kout = tvKout * exp(nKout))
#>     stparm(Emax = tvEmax * exp(nEmax))
#>     stparm(EC50 = tvEC50 * exp(nEC50))
#>     fixef( tvV = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvKe = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvKin = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvKout = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvEmax = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvEC50 = c(,1,))
#>     ranef(diag(nV,nKe,nKin,nKout,nEmax,nEC50) =  c(1,1,1,1,1,1))
#> }
#>  Structural Parameters 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  V Ke Kin Kout Emax EC50
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observations:
#> Observation Name :  EObs
#> Effect Name      :  E
#> Epsilon Name     :  EEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Additive
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observation Name :  CObs
#> Effect Name      :  C
#> Epsilon Name     :  CEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Multiplicative
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  Column Mappings 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Variable Name : Data Column name
#> id                  : ID
#> time                : Time
#> A1                  : Dose
#> EObs                : EObs
#> CObs                : CObs