Use to create a constant, linear, or quadratic PD model

  isPopulation = TRUE,
  type = "Constant",
  data = NULL,
  columnMap = TRUE,
  modelName = "",
  workingDir = "",



Is this a population model TRUE or individual model FALSE?


Model type. Options are "Constant", "Linear", "Quadratic".


Input dataset


If TRUE (default) column mapping arguments are required. Set to FALSE to manually map columns after defining model using colMapping.


Model name for subdirectory created for model output in current working directory.


Working directory to run the model. Current working directory will be used if workingDir not specified.


Arguments passed on to linearmodel_MappingParameters


Column mapping argument for input dataset column(s) that identify individual data profiles. Only applicable to population models isPopulation = TRUE.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the independent variable that is treated as a covariate during the estimation/simulation process.


Column mapping argument that represents the input dataset column for the observed drug effect (i.e., the dependent variable).

Column mapping

Note that quoted and unquoted column names are supported. Please see colMapping.


model <- linearmodel(type = "Linear", data = pkpdData, ID = "ID", C = "CObs", EObs = "EObs")

# View PML Code
#>  Model Overview 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Name        :  Model_24_05_20_12_27
#> Working Directory :  C:/Users/jcraig/Documents/GitHub/R-RsNLME/docs/reference/Model_24_05_20_12_27
#> Is population     :  TRUE
#> Model Type        :  LINEAR
#>  Linear 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Linear Type       :  E = EAlpha + EBeta*C 
#> Linear Frozen     :  FALSE
#> Effect Compartment:  FALSE
#>  PML 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> test(){
#>     covariate(C)
#>     E = EAlpha + EBeta*C
#>     error(EEps=1)
#>     observe(EObs(C)=E + EEps)
#>     stparm(EAlpha = tvEAlpha * exp(nEAlpha))
#>     stparm(EBeta = tvEBeta * exp(nEBeta))
#>     fixef( tvEAlpha = c(,1,))
#>     fixef( tvEBeta = c(,1,))
#>     ranef(diag(nEAlpha,nEBeta) =  c(1,1))
#> }
#>  Structural Parameters 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  EAlpha EBeta
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Observations:
#> Observation Name :  EObs
#> Effect Name      :  E
#> Epsilon Name     :  EEps
#> Epsilon Type     :  Additive
#> Epsilon frozen   :  FALSE
#> is BQL           :  FALSE
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#>  Column Mappings 
#>  ------------------------------------------- 
#> Model Variable Name : Data Column name
#> id                  : ID
#> C                   : CObs
#> EObs                : EObs