
Certara.ModelResults can be used with raw output files generated from Simple Run Mode for population models in Phoenix.

Locate Phoenix NLME Output Files

After executing a model in Phoenix using simple run mode, navigate to the Results tab and select Compiler Output located under the Text Output sub-menu.

Near the top of the page, you will see a folder path with the location of the raw NLME output files. Copy this folder path.

Note: Depending on your version of Phoenix, the text color of the folder path may be in black or red. The folder path is always found under the line “log1.txt”.


Copy Folder

Phoenix Temporary Output Folder

For windows users, we can paste the folder path copied from above into our file explorer, and navigate to the folder directly.


Phoenix places all raw output files into a temporary folder that persists only when Phoenix is running. Therefore, it is recommended to copy this folder to a permanent location on your PC.

Copy Folder to Permanent Location

For clarity, I have renamed the folder to 1_Cmp_IV_Bolus_Multiplicative and copied it to my Documents folder.


Create xpdb object in R

We will use the function xposeNlme from the Certara.Xpose.NLME package to read in our raw output files into R. We will supply two arguments to this function, specifying the path of our Phoenix output folder to the dir argument, and providing a reference name for the model to the modelName argument.

xpdb <- xposeNlme(modelName = "1_Cmp_IV_Bolus_Multiplicative", dir = "~/1_Cmp_IV_Bolus_Multiplicative")

Execute resultsUI()

We are now ready to launch the Model Results Shiny application. We can open the Shiny GUI using the below command:

resultsUI(xpdb = xpdb)
