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This function provides the PML (Pharmacometric Modelling Language) PD parameter sets based on the specified options. They are available as a list of specific S3 classes.


  Type = "Emax",
  Baseline = FALSE,
  Fractional = FALSE,
  Inhibitory = FALSE,
  Sigmoid = FALSE,
  ByVector = FALSE,



Pharmacodynamic model type. Currently, only Emax is supported.


Logical indicating whether the Emax model contains a baseline response. If it is set to TRUE, the new parameter, E0, for baseline response is added to the model. Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating whether the Emax model with baseline response is fractional. Applicable only for the Emax models with baseline response, otherwise a warning is given and current parameter is ignored. Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating whether the model is inhibitory. If it is set to TRUE, the structural parameters 'EC50' and 'Emax' change to 'IC50' (concentration producing 50% of maximal inhibition) and 'Imax'. Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating whether the model is sigmoidal. If it is set to TRUE, the Hill coefficient, 'Gam', is added to the model. Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating whether each element in vectorized argument should be treated as a separate PML structure (i.e. treated as data.frame vectors), TRUE, or as parameters to obtain a pool (i.e. expanded) of PML structures, FALSE. Default is FALSE (one value for a function call).


Additional named arguments, including Structural parameters (StParm), Covariates, Dosepoints (for PK models), Thetas and Omegas. See 'Additional arguments' section.


A list of PML models (PMLModels class instance) matching the specified options.


The names of PMLStructure are constructed by the following parts:

  • Baseline if presented (abbreviated as 'E0'),

  • Fractional if presented (abbreviated as '1+'),

  • Inhibitory (abbreviated as 'Imax' if the model is inhibitory and 'Emax' otherwise),

  • Sigmoid if presented (abbreviated as 'Gam').

Additional arguments

Additional arguments (ellipsis) will be applied sequentially. They can be used to add or modify Structural parameters (StParm), Covariates, Observations, Dosepoints (for PK models); by the way it is advised to use specific functions for it (see 'See Also' section for the references). Also it is possible to modify Omegas and Thetas, but it is impossible to add them (they are parts of other structures). If PMLStructure argument is not specified, class instances will be modified or added in all PML structures. If PMLStructure argument is specified, class instances in the specified PML structure will be modified/added. Note that only one PML structure could be added to the class instance. If multiple structures should be modified, suggest to use specific functions.

See also

Functions used for StParm specification: StParm(), add_StParm(), create_ModelPK(), modify_StParm(), modify_StParmCustom(), remove_StParm()

Functions used for Observation specification: Observation(), ObservationCustom(), Sigmas(), create_ModelPK(), modify_Observation(), remove_Observation()

Functions used for Omega specification: Omega(), create_ModelPK(), modify_Omega()

Functions used for Theta specification: InitialEstimate(), Theta(), create_ModelPK(), modify_Theta()

Functions used for Covariate specification: Covariate(), add_Covariate(), create_ModelPK(), remove_Covariate()


# Get PD model set with default options
PDParametersSets <- create_ModelPD(Type = "Emax")

# Create PD model set with all possible combinations
# will give a warning since When 'Baseline == FALSE',
# there could be no model with 'Fractional == TRUE'
PDParametersSets <-
  create_ModelPD(Type = "Emax",
                 Baseline = FALSE,
                 Inhibitory = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                 Sigmoid = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                 ByVector = FALSE)