This function creates a new instance of a Structural parameter.

  StParmName = character(),
  Type = "LogNormal",
  State = "Present",
  ThetaStParm = list(),
  OmegaStParm = list(),
  Covariates = list(),
  PMLStructure = character()



Character specifying the name of the structural parameter.


Character specifying the type of the structural parameter. Options are

  • LogNormal The PML statement of the structural parameter will look like the following:

stparm(V = tvV * wt^dVdwt * exp(nV + nVx0*(Occasion==0) + nVx1*(Occasion==1)))

  • LogNormal1 The PML statement of the structural parameter will look like the following:

stparm(V = (tvV + wt*dVdwt) * exp(nV + nVx0*( Occasion==0) + nVx1*( Occasion==1)))

  • LogNormal2 The PML statement of the structural parameter will look like the following:

stparm(V = exp(tvV + wt*dVdwt + nV + nVx0*(Occasion==0) + nVx1*(Occason==1)))

  • LogitNormal The PML statement of the structural parameter will look like the following:

stparm(V = ilogit(tvV + wt*dVdwt + nV + nVx0*(Occasion==0) + nVx1*(Occasion==1)))

  • Normal The PML statement of the structural parameter will look like the following:

stparm(V = tvV + wt*dVdwt + nV + nVx0*(Occasion==0) + nVx1*(Occasion==1))


character string that indicates the presence of the structural parameter. Options are:

  • None The structural parameter does not exist in the specified PMLStructures.

  • Present The structural parameter exists in the specified PMLStructures (the default).

  • Searched The presence of the structural parameter is searched.


A Theta class instance inside the structural parameter. If not given, the associated Theta will be automatically created with its name set to "tv" + StParmName.


An Omega class instance inside the structural parameter. If not given, the associated Omega will be automatically created with its name set to "n" + StParmName


A list of covariates (Covariate instances) that should be included in the structural parameter statement.


Character or character vector specifying names of PML structures in which the structural parameter will bemodified. For the naming convention of PMLStructures, see Details section of get_PMLParametersSets()


An instance of a stochastic parameter.

See also

Functions used for StParm specification: add_StParm(), get_PMLParametersSets(), modify_StParm(), remove_StParm()


# Create a Structural parameter instance with default values
V <- StParm(StParmName = "V")

# Create a Structural parameter with Normal type:
V2 <- StParm("V2",
       Type = "Normal",
       ThetaStParm = Theta(Name = "tvV2", InitialEstimates = 0.1))

# Create a Structural parameter instance with covariates:
Cl <- StParm(
  StParmName = "Cl",
  Covariates = Covariate(
    Name = "Period",
    Type = "Occasion",
    State = "Searched",
    Categories = c(1,2),
    Omegas = list(Omega(Name = "nPeriodx1", 2),
                  Omega(Name = "nPeriodx2", 3))),
  PMLStructure = "1CFOE")