Certara.R School is a series of guided webinars, exercises, and interactive tutorials for the application of R in Pharmacometrics.
Why R? R is the primary programming language in the Pharmacometrician’s toolkit and offers unparalleled efficiency, flexibility, and reproducibility compared to working inside a GUI alone. Learning R can be challenging at first, but Certara is here to help!
The following lessons will demonstrate how to begin using R in your Pharmacometric workflow. We will cover everything from installation/environment setup to creating interactive dashboards to communicate your analysis – let’s get started!
Note: While an RsNLME
license is not mandatory to
participate, many of the lectures will cover core pharmacometric
workflows using the RSNLME
package. License options are
available for Certara.R school participants via the links
Learn how to access Certara.R School lesson files using GitHub Desktop in the following video.