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This function creates a custom space object based on the provided custom code.


create_CustomSpace(CustomCode = character())



A character string containing the custom code.


A list with one element of the class PMLModels.


This function parses the provided CustomCode and extracts information related to:

  • Responses/observations (observe, multi, ordinal, count, event, and LL)

  • Structural parameters (stparm)

  • Covariates (covariate, fcovariate and interpolate)

  • Dosepoints (dosepoint and dosepoint2)

  • Random effects (ranef)

  • Fixed effects (fixef)

  • Derivatives (deriv)

  • Urine compartments (urinecpt)

  • Closed Form statements (cfMicro, cfMacro and cfMacro1)

  • Distributed delay statements (transit and delayInfCpt)

The extracted information is then used to create a CustomSpace object, which contains the parsed and structured representation of the custom code. An identifier is generated and used as the name of the Space.